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Gluck FAQ

What are the sizes of the products?

The size of each product is specified in its description, with height, width, length and diameter, as well as capacity in mls.

How can I pay for my order?

For payment, we use the PayPal payment service. Visit to find out about all accepted flags, fees and financing opportunities offered by the service.

What is Glück's guarantee?

We offer a lifetime warranty against manufacturing defects after original purchase through this website or through an authorized Gluck®️ dealer. Gluck®️ reserves the right to reject the order if the product shows evidence of excessive wear or misuse. If a defect covered by the warranty If proven, Gluck®️ will replace your product with the same or similar product after the visual inspection has been completed. We need to prove your purchase, so be sure to keep your invoice. Please contact us before sending the product for visual inspection.

How is shipping calculated?

The shipping fee can be found in your shopping cart here on the website, where you enter your zip code. The freight cost varies according to the region, quantity, size and weight of items. Remembering that we offer free shipping to the whole country in purchases over R $ 299.90. Upon reaching this amount, the exemption from this fee will be made automatically.

How does GLück thermal capacity work?

Our products are thermal and vacuum insulated. This means that an insulating storage container considerably increases the time during whose contents remain hotter or colder than the ambient temperature surrounding the flask. Invented by Sir James Dewar in 1892, isolation vacuum consists of two vials, placed inside one another joined by the neck or mouth. The space between the two vials is partially evacuated from air, creating an almost perfect and absent isolation of air molecules that would otherwise be transferring energy from one wall to another, thus significantly reducing energy transfer by conduction or convection. In other words: the best technology to keep your drink the way you prefer.

If my tumbler, bottle or other item gets water stains, what do I do?

Ideally, after using your Glück, wash it with lukewarm water and mild soap using the little stick on the soft side to remove any residue left on the outside or inside. After washing, leave your Glück with the lid open to dry overnight. This process is necessary to maintain the perfect condition of your Glück. For deeper cleaning, fill the jar with boiling water, add 2 teaspoons of baking soda, close the jar, mix the solution with circular movements and let it stand overnight. The next morning, wash your Glück by doing the normal procedure with warm water and mild soap. Easy, right?

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